Synthetic Genomics ( a separate enterprise to the more academic Venter Institute where the artificial microbe is under construction) has already engineered strains of algae that secrete oil from their cells. 合成基因组公司(SyntheticGenomics)(一家独立于凡特研究所的企业,凡特研究所更多从事学术研究,人造微生物即在此打造中)已改造了能从细胞中分泌油的藻类品种。
Research on the method of extracting marine algae oil from chlorella cells 小球藻海藻油提取中不同破壁方法的研究
Cytotoxic effect of triacylglycerols in tung oil on human tumor cells cultured in vitro 桐油甘油三酯对体外培养的人体肿瘤细胞的毒性
Regulars cell membrane permeability ( absorption and oil production) and normalize skin cells differentiation and regulate heart muscles and nerve transmission. 正常细胞膜通透性(吸收及制油分给皮肤),恢复正常的皮肤细胞分化和调节心脏和神经传输功能。
A whitehead is the early stage of acne when the pore is plugged with oil and skin cells. 白头是痤疮的早期状态,由于毛孔被油脂和皮肤的细胞堵塞而形成。
The development of oil and mucilage cells in the stem and leaf of Cinnamomum longepaniculatum were studied with the help of method of semithin section. 利用薄切片法对油樟茎叶油细胞和粘液细胞发育的研究结果表明:油细胞最早发生于第二叶原基以及茎端皮层和髓的基本分生组织中。
The orange oil gently dissolves dead skin cells. 甜橙精油会温和地溶解死皮细胞。
Orthotopic transplation tumor model of hepatoma in mice were used to observe the inhibitory effects of zedoary turmeric oil on H-22 cells in vivo. 采用肝内隧道植入法,在小鼠H-22移植瘤模型上观察两种莪术油制剂的体内抑瘤活性。
Conclusions: Garlic oil can inhibits the growth of Hela cells as well as increase the sensitivity of Hela cells to Cisplatin. 结论:大蒜油能抑制Hela细胞的生长,同时能够增加Hela细胞对顺铂的敏感性。
Before the oil cells can be distinguished, it is difficult to tell oil cell initials from surrounding cells in the primordial meristem and ground meristem of leaf and shoot. 在未出现油细胞以前,上述器官的基本分生组织和原分生组织中,难以区分油细胞的原始细胞与周围细胞。
The early developmental process of mucilage cells is the same as that of oil cells, but at the latter stage of vacuolation, mucilage substance was produced in the cytoplasm near the big central vacuole, and diffused into the central vacuole. 粘液细胞的早期发育过程与油细胞的相同,而在细胞液泡化的后期,靠近大液泡的细胞质中产生粘液物质,并扩散到大液泡中。
Comparative studies on the distribution and structure of oil cells and mucilage cells in the leaves of 13 species of Lauraceae 13种樟科植物叶油细胞和粘液细胞的分布和结构的比较研究
In this study, we investigate the effect of mifepristone and garlic oil to Hela cells, and seek to new method curing cervix carcinoma. 本研究旨在研究大蒜油、米非司酮(RU486)两种药物及二者与顺铂伍用对人宫颈癌Hela细胞体外生长的影响,以期对临床上药物治疗宫颈癌提供新的思路。
Comparative anatomy of oil cells and mucilage cells in the leaves of the Lauraceae in China 中国樟科植物叶中油细胞和粘液细胞的比较解剖研究
The effect of garlic oil on cell cycle of carcinoma cells by flow cytometer 大蒜油不同给药途径对癌细胞周期移行过程的影响
In the primary structure of stem, the essential oil was mainly distributed in cortex parenchyma cells; 在茎的初生结构中,挥发油主要分布在皮层薄壁组织细胞中;
Comparative studies on leaf structure and oil cells of the Magnoliaceae in China 中国木兰科植物的叶结构及其油细胞的比较解剖学研究
Study on Effect of Garlic Oil in Enhancing Antitumor Activity of Kupffer Cells in Mice 大蒜油激活鼠肝枯否细胞抗癌作用的实验研究
The leaf structure and morphology, the structure and location of oil cells in leaves of 82 species and 1 subspecies in 10 genera of the Magnoliaceae were comparatively studied using tissue clearing, paraffin sectioning and thin sectioning. 利用组织透明法、石蜡切片法及薄切片法对木兰科10属82种1亚种植物叶片的结构和油细胞的分布密度、结构及其在叶肉中的分布进行了比较研究。
Results Compared with ox-LDL group, oil red O-positive cells of Nef protective group were greatly reduced. The cellular contents of total cholesterol and cholesterol ester of Nef protective group were also obviously decreased. 结果与ox-LDL诱导组相比,Nef保护组巨噬细胞的油红O染色阳性细胞数和细胞内脂质含量均显著减少;
AIM: To explore the effects of zanthoxylum seed oil ( ZSO) on mast cells in lung tissue and tryptase in plasma of asthmatic models in guinea pigs and to provide theoretical basis for the treatment of asthma by using ZSO. 目的:探讨椒目油(ZSO)对豚鼠哮喘模型肺组织中肥大细胞及血浆类胰蛋白酶的影响,为ZSO治疗哮喘提供理论依据。
Exocarp is composed of a layer of epidermal cells that were covered with cuticle, subepidermal cells and oil gland layers cells. 其中外果皮由角质层覆盖下的单层表皮细胞、亚表皮细胞和油胞层细胞构成。
The Pilot Study on the Protective Effect of Mineral Oil Act on Animal Cells In the Vacuum Condition of Ion Implantation 石蜡油对离子注入动物细胞真空环境的保护效应初探
Many oil cells distributed in the basic parenchyma were also the position of fragrance formation. 在花被片中分布有油细胞,油细胞也是形成挥发性香气的场所。
After two weeks of induction in adipocyte medium, cells began to have morphological changes and the results of oil red staining indicated that there were red small droplets of oil in cells. 脂肪培养中诱导培养两周后,细胞形态发生变化,油红染色可见细胞内有红色小油滴。
Observation under oil microscope, the cells presented rod-shaped, show purple ( G+) after gram staining. 油镜下观察,菌体呈现杆状,革兰氏染色后菌体呈现紫色(G+)。
The results show that: N lack of conditions to promote the chlorella and micro-algae the accumulation of oil cells, but growth was inhibited. 得出N缺乏条件促进了小球藻和微拟球藻细胞的油脂积累,但对生长有抑制作用。